Inductors in the Service of Music

PublishedJune 2, 2023

Art and inductive elements may seem like distant topics. However, if you search carefully, you can find small inconspicuous devices that ensure the smooth operation of various equipment in surprisingly unexpected places. One such example is the humble choke, which plays a role in music creation.

Chokes are often components of audio amplifiers. In professional amplifiers, they serve the same purpose as chokes usually do – stabilizing voltage and eliminating voltage spikes. This ensures smooth amplifier operation and cleaner sound.

Experiments with Custom Configuration

Audio enthusiasts and DIY enthusiasts find even broader applications for chokes. They passionately modify simple devices to extract cleaner and more pleasing sounds. Among these experimenters, there is a belief that a well-selected choke (typically in the range of 1-10H) can improve and eliminate interference in a buzzing and humming amplifier, albeit at the expense of volume. This is because lower-quality equipment often fails to adequately reduce voltage fluctuations, which can be mitigated by using a choke.

For those interested in the topic and willing to explore the possibilities of modifying amplifiers by installing chokes, the discussion regarding their placement may be of interest. It is generally agreed that the choke should be mounted as far away from the transformer as possible. However, some practitioners argue that manipulating the position of the choke relative to other components in the circuit can affect the final sound of the device.

There are even enthusiasts who claim that a skillfully matched choke can influence the tonality of the amplifier’s output signal. There is no unanimous opinion on thematic forums, but the discussion is undoubtedly intriguing – whether the difference in sound tonality results from changes in the equipment’s properties or is merely the result of “cleaning” the signal from certain distortions. The effect of such modifications certainly depends mainly on the type and construction of the specific amplifier and the characteristics of the used choke.